*** Congratulations to our many club members on their recent selection in NSW teams & squads (see NSW website for full team lists) ***


Cronulla Water Polo Club Executive Committee contacts
PO Box 510 Cronulla 2230 info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au
Bank Deposits: BSB: 062150, Account No. 28011340
Name Position Contact Number Email
John Zagame President 0408 398 646 sharkspolo@tpg.com.au
Kylie Simmons Secretary 0419 499 165 simmonscubed@bigpond.com
Predrag Mihailovic Director Of Coaching and Programs 0451 409 524 mihailovic.p@gmail.com
Rodger Rudkins Director Of Finance 0418 225 112 rudkins@bigpond.com.au
Ashley Kaesler Officiation and Accreditation Vice President 0452 549 418 akaesler95@gmail.com
Col Nicolson Capital Works Director
Gregory Williams Vice President Metro Age Divisions 0418 221 763 freshgreg@hotmail.com
Karl Nusdorfer Vice President Metro Grade 0408 409 399 karl@kus.com.au
Leanne Lucy Vice President School Liaison 0412 343 148 lclucy@optusnet.com.au
Chris Brooks National League Vice President 0439 670 165 chris.j.brooks@team.telstra.com
Danielle Freeman Registrar 0421 955 236 morningwitch@hotmail.com
Karen Kerr Gunnamatta Rep 0418 473 372 the4kerrs@bigpond.com
Rachel Collier Director of Marketing and Comms 0421 821 697 rachel.collier278@gmail.com
Jenny Liessmann Life Member Vice President j.liessmann@hotmail.com
Michael Luchi NSW WP Executive Committee 0435 476 006 mluchi@optusnet.com.au
Graeme Geldart  Public Officer ggeldart@optusnet.com.au
Anne Ryan Uniforms 0416 147 002 anne@amcconsulting.com.au